"Love is mute, Novalis says; only poetry makes it speak. Song means nothing: it is in this that you will understand at last what it is that I give you; as useless as the whip of yarn, the pebble held out to his mother by his child."
"To know that one does not write for the other, to know that these things I am going to write will never cause me to be loved by the one I love (the other), to know that writing compensates for nothing, sublimates nothing, that it is precisely there where you are not --this is the beginning of writing."
"To know that one does not write for the other, to know that these things I am going to write will never cause me to be loved by the one I love (the other), to know that writing compensates for nothing, sublimates nothing, that it is precisely there where you are not --this is the beginning of writing."
Roland Barthes, from Fragments: A Lover's Discourse