March 20, 2006

Sketches for A Personal Chronicle

In a world where time does not obey a universal (solar) order but rather passes according to things, a personal chronicle would have to devise a unique system for recording instances. In this way, an anniversary, for instance, would not be an annual recurrence, but would be celebrated (or commemorated) every single moment the event is recollected to the mind of the proprietor of the chronicle. However, since recording the time of the first occurence is the purpose of keeping a chronicle, it would be appropriate to write down the associations which would serve to the recollection. The following are some suggestions for a future chronicler of a private chronicle:
  • it was full moon 40º to the horizon, mid-summer, french balcony, dark green wall
  • just before I had this feeling of a punch on my stomach due to which I was unable to eat, and I starved
  • when I realized I was a butterfly fish and that I was not in the water
  • on the broken pavement where the sidewalk ends against the park
  • the world hushed and I gave ear to a shared silence
and on recording durations:
  • until the dogs barked
  • when the sky reddened
  • as long as a cat's sleep
  • seventy eight heartbeats in ... tempo
  • until the breeze which electrocuted every single hair on my skin left my body

1 comment:

banalidadesdebase said...

I will try to do something like this,
it is other perspective, closer to
our unconscious impulses.