December 13, 2010

Anlatmam Derdimi

I wouldn't share my troubles with whom who have none
Those who undergo no trouble wouldn't know their value
My troubles are my remedy, I didn't know
Never can a rose be without a thorn

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translation suggested by subversion:

I could not tell my troubles to those who have none
Those who suffer none, would know their worth none
Troubles of mine were remedy of mine, I didn't know
Never can a rose be without a thorn

yet another trial:

I would not tell my troubles to those who have none
Those who don't worry can not know their worth
my troubles were my remedies, I didn't know
never can a rose be without a thorn


subversion said...

A very good find, Alice. But how about the following translation:

I could not tell my troubles to those who have none

Those who suffer none, would know their worth none

Troubles of mine were remedy of mine, I didn't know

Never can a rose be without a thorn

alice in wonderland said...

much better than mine